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Teaching American History

The purpose of Teaching American History in Miami-Dade County (TAH-MDC) is to raise student achievement by improving teacher knowledge, understanding and application of traditional American history. The project will provide 200 fifth, eighth and eleventh grade American history teachers in M-DCPS, where American history is taught as a separate subject, with professional development at three levels of intensity tailored to needs and interests identified in a needs assessment conducted in January 2007. Recruitment efforts will focus on schools that currently do not meet Adequate Yearly Progress as defined by the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). External evaluation includes quasi-experimental design with comparison groups for teachers and students. Sustainability is designed into the program through new and existing partnerships and consistency with the District’s Strategic Plan, policies, and Competency-Based Curriculum.
M-DCPS : 1450 NE 2nd Ave. : Miami, FL 33132 : Phone: (305) 995-1000 (For Non Technical Questions Only) © 2017